BUPAC Speaker Kaitlyn Schoeffel

Members please welcome our speaker Kaitlyn Schoeffel – candidate for Lee County School Board, District 3

Ms. Schoeffel’s platform focuses on

  • improved communication by utilizing new technologies such as AI and implementing simple and effective ways for community members to voice their input
  • Prioritize safety and mental health by advocating safety measures and programs that foster a supportive and inclusive culture as well as making mental health resources readily available to support students and staff
  • teacher support

Advocate for better pay, resources and support for teaches


BUPAC meets at the Myerlee Country Club,1380 Myerlee Country Club Blvd, Fort Myers


Meeting room opens at 7:00 am

Meeting begins promptly at 7:30 am and ends promptly at 8:30 am


Charles Moore
