Speaker for January 6, 2022
Dr. Tom Felke is the Associate Dean of the Marieb College of Health and Human Services and an Associate Professor within the Department of Social Work at Florida Gulf Coast University. He has worked previously at Catholic Charities of Southern Connecticut and at the Connecticut Department of Social Services.
Dr. Felke now focuses his teaching and research on macro social work, the application of technology to social work practice and evaluation, and international social work issues. A major focus of this work is the use of geographic information systems (GIS) for program evaluation and research efforts on the needs of seniors, affordable housing, and food insecurity.
He is active as a member of several boards and committees in Southwest Florida as well as for national social work organizations. He has served as a Commissioner with the Global Education Commission of the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE), Treasurer of the Florida Association of Deans & Directors of Social Work Programs, and Vice President of the Association of Baccalaureate Program Directors (BPD).Dr. Felke is a member of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW), the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE), and the Association of Baccalaureate Program Directors (BPD).